Gallery 349: Yoga Gremlin
I ordered this black, "matte" foil in the hope of having a lighter replacement for the heavy Molton fabric that I normally use as a dark background. It's not matte. Well, there's a reason why the heavy fabric is used for photos.
But the foil is easier to handle than the 3x6m and 6kg monster of Molton fabric.
The set was actually only planned as a test with a few pictures, but a as some nice pictures came out with the green suit so I took more pictures. The bright green looks really good against the dark background.
Hope you like it!
Costume: Neon Green Catsuit [NA], silver Zentai [Kangtilu] Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: hard flash from top left, soft flash from top right